Scope of work:
Tofflon machine was a 3 module unit that:
→ Forms the glass phials 1000 ppm and fills the same with liquid in a totally aseptic environment collated the phials and packs into the formation cell;
→ Packs the phials into a carton (including insertion of leaflet) – 300 ppm
→ Over wraps batched cartons with film ready for collation in case or shelf design
What compopack did:
→ A prototype machine in accordance with EU & USA pharma requirements;
→ A process design including a complete re-haul of the Supply Chain process fulfilling 6S Black-Belt standards;
→ As a result, the machine has been internationally recognized and certified. The design is the blueprint for all new generation machines (in this family 18 units have been supplied to their customers in China)